Things to Remember
1. Daily
Seek God- Read your Bible and pray both personally and corporately on our
prayer calls.
2. Stick to It- Fasting is about
self-denial and deepening our walk with Christ. When you find yourself becoming
weary, allow those feelings to motivate you.
3. Get a Partner- Select someone to
be your accountability partner during the fast. It always helps to have someone
to talk you through this.
4. Make Preparations- This fast
requires that you plan your meals ahead of time. The things you are required to
eat aren’t readily available. Therefore, planning will help you to avoid
5. Drink Plenty of Water- We know that hydration
is important during the summer but it is equally important during winter months. We encourage you to drink all the water you can stand. It
will also help you if you feel a little hungry between meals.
6. Read ALL
Labels- This is critical as you seek to avoid certain foods and additives. Just
because something says “Natural,” it may still contain additive, sugar, etc.
7. Stay on Purpose - Remember, we are fasting for our Church membership to be more like Christ. This must not simply be a desire for others; it must be a personal desire of yours as well. If you are a better Christian, the Church will definitely be a better Church.
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